Deaf, Dumb, AND Blind

Impossible to believe, but El Presidente stated today that he would veto any bill prohibiting foreign ownership of firms entrusted to guard U.S. ports.
This just may be the incident necessary to get Congressional Republicans off their collective butts to do what’s right. G.W. has never vetoed a single bill, but now, for what can only be his own selfish interests, he is standing on “principle” to allow a Dubai-based firm to purchase the company that guards six major American ports, including Baltimore, NYC, and New Jersey.
I don’t have anything against folks outside the U.S. having an equity stake in U.S. firms (I wish U.S. firms would actually incorporate in the U.S. instead of some Banana Republic in order to avoid paying income taxes), but this entire episode proves just how politically blind G.W. is…in addition to being deaf and dumb.
At least Tommy was cute.
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