Monday, May 29, 2006

Terror in the U.S.

It turns out the U.S. government was concerned about a terror strike on U.S. soil years before 9-11. George the Pretender has done an amazing job of avoiding most of the recommendations of this five year effort. If you’d like to see the thinking behind what could happen in American, as well as the genesis of efforts such as the Department of Homeland Security, the Hart Rudman report can be found here (formally referred to as the U.S. Commission on National Security in the 21st Century).

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The West Wing

I recorded the last 12 episodes of The West Wing, and finally got around to watching them over the last week.

It’s stupid and sentimental, but that show was always there for me over the last seven years, and I learned a lot.

I remember spending late nights up watching the program on DVD when I was in London, escaping what I thought was a monumental failure. It turned out what I thought was my failure was just part of the learning process.

It’s time to get back on the horse.

I’m ready.

Watch this.

Did you notice I skipped April?

Was it the tequila in Mexico?; or the personal drama?; or maybe the day to day grind?

I seem to have lost an entire month.

Anyone know what happened?

Bolt's Rule #1

If you find someone you love, you just make it work.

Job, school, family, friends, money, politics, religion, the price of tea in Missoula—none of that matters.

If you are fortunate to ever find someone you truly love, and they love you, everything else is just details.

Monday, May 22, 2006


What is the difference between Christians getting upset over the Da Vinci Code, and Muslims getting upset over some cartoons?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Nine Things I learned in Mexico

1. Be very careful when Cody suggests we have Margaritas for breakfast.
2. Mexico is about doing enough to just barely get by.
3. Paul burns easily.
4. The water taxi is always late.
5. Pay twice as much and you can use no protection.
6. Feed a dog and you have a friend for life.
7. A little sunscreen is better than none at all.
8. Tag team (good cop/bad cop) market negotiation works.
9. The only time locals leave Yelapa is when they’re under a death threat.

W. Does Something Good

W. Does Something Good? Too bad no one noticed.

All of the negative polls and press on George the Pretender actually obscured some very positive new policy by the administration.

The American Competitiveness Initiative, mentioned by W. during the SOTU address in January 06 was finalized in Feb 06. Click HERE to get your own copy of the report.

Counter arguments include that this is still unfunded, and likely will be chopped up by a congress more willing to line their own pockets than worry about our economy; and that the U.S. is not really falling down compared to the rest of the world.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Microsoft accuses Lucent of violating patents

The gall of some people!

MSFT, of all firms, should know imitation is the most sincere form of flatery
Microsoft accuses Lucent of violating patents